Wednesday, November 8, 2017

タルン シェクハル ジャ about tarun shekhar jha

デリー出身のヨギ、俳優、モデルであるTarun Shekhar Jha が、インドと日本のヨガについて、また日々ポジティブでいることと日々の練習の大切さを語った。























彼の詳細や直近のイベント・活動は、ぜひ Tarun Shekhar Jha: Embodying the Spiritual and Physical
Yoga teacher, model, and actor from Delhi discusses yoga in India and Japan, the importance of daily practice, and staying positive.

Tarun is a Sanskrit word. It is a male given name in India, meaning “young male,” with connotations of exuberance and positive energy. It particularly fits this month’s featured personality, Tarun Shekhar Jha.
Known within Tokyo’s yoga community as a popular and charismatic teacher, Tarun is, in fact, a multi-faceted character. He’s a medaled martial artist; a polyglot; and a fast-rising face in the modeling and acting spheres. These days, Tarun spreads his many talents between his native India and Japan.
Formerly working towards becoming a computer scientist, Tarun changed course for a career in the fashion world after being selected for a modeling contest.
In addition to his frenetic modeling and acting schedule, he’s working on an upcoming radio show to introduce the Indian roots of various aspects of Japanese culture.
When did you start doing yoga?
I’m from a Brahmin [a Hindu class specializing in the protection of sacred knowledge] family; in particular a priest family. We have a Hindu temple in Deoghar, India.
I grew up with yoga as an integral part of my day-to-day life. I always sat down in lotus position to eat. I had to, otherwise, I didn’t get to eat. I had to do pranayama (breathing exercises) while praying. Things like this and chanting mantras were all part of my lifestyle.
Yoga as a way of life came first, and formal study came later. I don’t have a guru. My experience of yoga is both spiritual and physical.
What were your first spiritual experiences like?

Tarun Shekhar Jha
I first experienced the spiritual side around the age of six. One night, while I was sleeping, I had a spontaneous out-of-body experience. I went around a little bit and came back. I experienced that three times.
Since we were a priest family, we spent a lot of our time in the temple worshipping. Even as children, we were encouraged to cultivate ourselves through fasting and meditation.
I started to take more interest in meditation, and my muladhara chakra (root chakra) began to awaken. I had a good spiritual teacher in Delhi. However, when I got a girlfriend, he ordered me to refrain from any kind of intimate contact, so I quit.
How did you come to the physical practices of yoga?
Over the years, I suffered several injuries, and each time, I’ve turned to yoga’s physical practices to heal them.
I was a physically active boy. When I was three years old, every day I drank three liters of milk. My nickname was Tarzan. Most of the time, I was just wearing underwear, on the beach, running around, and climbing things like trees and pipes.
I have always been into martial arts. My first was Okinawan karate. However, one day, I injured my right wrist and was unable to move it. My mother was very protective, and I knew that if she found out, she would forbid me to continue, so I didn’t tell her. It took so long to heal that I had to learn how to write with my left hand.
I couldn’t practice karate or weightlifting (another of my passions from childhood). The only physical thing I could do was yoga asana, and this was when I got into it seriously.
Later, I started Muay Thai. I was the Delhi NCR champion in the 75–81 kg weight class in 2012. After winning, we had a celebration, and there was some drunken driving. We had an accident which injured both of my hands and legs. The marks are still visible.
After some time away from training to recover, I gained weight. My mother said, “Go back to yoga again.” I started with sun salutations. It was tough, and my hands were shaking. But, eventually, the sun salutations healed me completely.
Then, the last time, I was in Okinawa doing Taekwondo. Muay Thai and Taekwondo are completely different fighting styles. I was physically strong, so I took a fight, but I was not prepared. I jumped and dropkicked, but the other guy was much faster than me. My right leg was injured. Rather than go to the hospital , I healed it with yoga.
These experiences gave me a strong faith in the healing powers of yoga.
Do you find that Japanese yoga students are more interested in the physical side of yoga?
The physical and spiritual parts of yoga are completely different. So far, I haven’t been teaching the spiritual side in Japan.
People here are not so spiritual these days. However, most of them are stressed and anxious. What they really need is yoga nidra (conscious relaxation practice). For this reason, my classes always end with fifteen minutes of relaxation.
Recently a couple of students have shown interest in going beyond just the physical practice, so I have started doing a bit of meditation and pranayama with them.

Tarun Shekhar Jha after class with students.
What differences do you see between yoga teachers in India and yoga in Japan?
In India, yoga is a philosophy and set of practices to manage one’s inner state. There are many examples of yoga teachers who, as they age, gradually lose interest in the physical world. While it may seem that they get fat and don’t move much, they are actually practicing yoga on the inside.
In Japan, some yoga teachers are former professional athletes, dancers, or models. They become a yoga teacher because they think there might be money in it.
This is strange because if you want to become a sushi chef, it takes at least five years to obtain a license. If you want to be a hairdresser, you have to spend at least three years and cut 300 people’s hair before you can take the exam and get a license. In karate, you have to practice each technique 10,000 times each before you can earn your black belt.
To become a “yoga teacher,” it only takes one or two months. It’s almost like they’ll give anyone a yoga teacher certification.
I don’t believe in certifications or licenses for teaching yoga because yoga it is practical knowledge. Reading a thousand books won’t help you if you haven’t done the practice and experienced yoga directly. You must first gain first-hand knowledge and experience before you area ready to teach.
It’s great when Japanese yoga teachers take the time to attend my classes, which focus on the breath. I tell them, “First, believe in yourself, and relax.”
What cultural differences have you encountered teaching in Japan?
In the Japanese language, there is a word, “ganbaru.” It roughly means to slog on tenaciously through tough times. It’s a big part of their culture. But, yoga is about relaxation.
I teach all kinds of yoga classes. Some I set to be more physically demanding if that’s what the students seem to want. I also hold some relaxing classes, but sometimes even these can turn a little hard when the students are focusing on doing their best.

Tarun Shekhar Jha
How would you like to see India and Japan’s relationship evolve?
Of course, I love India first. However, Japan takes a strong second place. I love it here. I know the Japanese language. Everywhere is clean here. I love the humans here.
If India and Japan could cooperate more, it could be great. Both countries complement each other in many ways. For example:
Japan has an aging population and low birthrate. Whereas India’s demographics are almost the opposite.
Indians are more relaxed, whereas Japanese are detail-oriented. Both are important.
What is the core theme of your teaching?
Relaxing and having fun are core themes of my teaching. Let me explain why.
Through practicing both, I got to know the difference between the approach towards training in martial arts and yoga. A fighter and a yogi can both lift their leg, but what is this difference?
In martial arts, people they use muscular strength to stretch their leg up. However, they are not flexible because they are not relaxed. If you ask them to relax, their leg will drop. That’s why when they grow old, they cannot do the same things that they could when they were young.
In yoga, to master a pose, you have to relax. If you ask an old yogi to do the same thing, they will do it better than a young person because they are more relaxed.
When are happy and comfortable, you smile automatically. Your breathing also deepens when you smile. In fact, if you focus on your breathing and just smile, you’re doing yoga.
So, in my class, smiling is necessary. Basically, I’m a comedian. In class, if someone is not laughing, I make them laugh!
Once my students are relaxed, they can do all kinds of things. It’s all in the smile. It actually works — even those who only come once a week say they started to feel changes.
What is the best part about teaching yoga in Japan?
What makes me keep going is seeing a difference in my students. At first, they can’t even sit in a lotus pose, but after several months, they start doing it.
When I see a student making progress, it makes me very happy. I have a rule in my classes: if someone gets something — like lotus pose or putting their leg behind or maybe a headstand — then all the students clap to appreciate them.
Over 60 percent of my students are elderly people. I even have some over eighty who have bad backs and limited mobility. But even they are able to benefit, and I get reports of them needing to take less medicine to control their blood pressure and other things. These things make it all worthwhile.

Tarun Shekhar Jha
What advice would you give to someone who wants to go to Japan and teach yoga?
There are three main things:
Learn Japanese.
You must have a sound knowledge of yoga.
You must be different and have confidence. There are so many other yoga teachers, and they’re cheaper than you, so why would someone choose you?
Respect and a positive attitude. If you have some complaint, even if you don’t say it, people will it feel it. You must love each and every student — even they call you at 4 o’clock in the morning! They love you, that’s why they’re are calling you. You have to be understanding.
If you follow these things, then maybe you can be successful.
Oh, and then you have to be handsome like me!
What are your plans for the future of your yoga teaching career in Japan?
My next target is to teach in a cancer center because one of my students is going through chemotherapy. I love my hair. I haven’t cut it for over ten years, but since my student is losing confidence, to support him, I’ll also go bald.
He called me at 4 o’clock in the morning because, after almost eight months attending my class, he started to breathe from his stomach. First, he was only doing shallow breathing, but he began to breathe from his stomach, and he realized when he woke up. He started to cry with joy.
To learn more about Tarun Shekhar Jha, his upcoming yoga teaching events, and his other work, please visit

advance head stand

by tarun shekhar jha

Monday, October 16, 2017

hanuman yoga 5 ka getsu dake de 63 sai no kata

She is one of my beautiful student at her 63 year and started my class back 5 months now she got six packs and head stand and left right balance and etc....she is really strong 
ヨガをやりましょう。yoga studio hanuman fuji city shizuoka ken japan tarun shekhar jha

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

run yoga


an other model shoot at nagoya for magazine last week

yoga teacher and fashion model tarun shekhar jha
yoga studio hanuman fuji city shizuoka ken japan

Tuesday, September 5, 2017


hanuman ji is the super hero of india.lets do alots of yoga practice at yoga studio hanuman fuji city shizuoka prefecture japan.
tarun shekhekhar jha

Monday, September 4, 2017

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

head stand at hayama

tarun shekhar jha

curry part

curry party was fun who could not make it please come next time .
at yoga studio hanuman fuji city shizuoka ken japan

Wednesday, August 2, 2017


yoga studio hanuman fuji city shizuoka ken japan
tarun shekhar jha

みんなのヨガwith new look

mina no yoga is all about relax and i am playing with my look is fun

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

todays thought

Yoga Studio Hanuman
Fuji City Shizuoka Ken Japan

Sunday, June 25, 2017



Wednesday, June 7, 2017


taiwan ヨガ

this temple 400 years old and it was so beautiful love to pray and do yoga.
tarun shekhar jha
mina no yoga
yoga studio hanuman
fuji city shizuoka ken japan

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Friday, May 12, 2017

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Thursday, April 27, 2017


date 27-4-2017 time 1300~14:30
place yoga studio hanuman fuji city shizuoka ken japan
tarun shekhar jha

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

呼吸 ヨガ

おはようございます、今日ちと雨☔️ふりそだから。きお助けてください。呼吸 ヨガやりまそ、、、
Yoga Studio Hanuman
Fuji City Shizuoka Ken JAPAN
Tarun Shekhar Jha
Date 26-3-2017

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Run Yoga

Yoga Studio Hanuman
Fuji City Shizuoka Ken Japan
Date 25-4-2017 Time 15;00
Tarun Shekhar Jha

meaning of mina no yoga みなのヨガ

いい気持ちになりましょう!. Mina no Yoga is all about the one ☝️ feel good about your self
fuji shizuoka japan

Wednesday, April 19, 2017



ドゥルガーदुर्गा durgā)は、ヒンドゥー教デーヴァ神族の女神。その名は「近づき難い者」を意味する。外見は優美で美しいが、実際は恐るべき戦いの女神である。10本あるいは18本の腕にそれぞれ神授の武器を持つ。デーヴァ神族の要請によってアスラ神族と戦った。シヴァ神の神妃とされ、パールヴァティーと同一視された。

Tuesday, April 18, 2017


葉山でおしいぇることは楽しいだよ。。。its really fun to teach at hayama kaz san is cool man.
but i love to teach here in fuji as well

Sunday, April 16, 2017


yoga studio hanuman